Troubleshooting Query Issues

If you encounter issues with query results in BanyanDB, follow these troubleshooting steps to identify and resolve the problem.

Query Syntax Errors

Mandatory Fields Missing

The query’s mandatory fields are time_range, name and groups. If any of these fields are missing, the query will fail. Ensure that the query includes all the required fields and that the syntax is correct.

For Stream, the tag_projection field is mandatory. For Measure, either tag_projection or field_projection is required.

Ignore Unknown Fields

If the query includes unknown fields, it won’t affect the query results. BanyanDB will ignore any unknown fields in the query. This behavior allows you to add custom fields to the query without affecting the query results. But it also bring the risk of typo in the query.

For example, the following query includes an unknown field lmit:

name: "network_address_alias_minute"
groups: ["measure-default"]
    - name: "default"
      tags: ["last_update_time_bucket", "represent_service_id", "represent_service_instance_id"]
    - name: "storage_only"
      tags: ["address"]
# The correct field name should be "limit", not "lmit". 
lmit: 5

In this case, the query will still execute successfully, but the lmit field will be ignored.

Invalid Time Range

The valid time range is:

  • start_time < end_time
  • minimum time is 1677-09-21 00:12:43.145224192 +0000 UTC., which is the minimum time of time.Time in Go.
  • maximum time is 2262-04-11 23:47:16.854775807 +0000 UTC., which is the maximum time of time.Time in Go.

If the query includes an invalid time range, the query will fail. Ensure that the time range is correct and within the valid range.

Unexpected Query Results

No Data or Partial Data

Please refer to the Troubleshooting No Data Issue guide to identify and resolve the issue.

Valid Old Data Missing: If you see valid old data(it’s TTL is not reached) is missing, some of data servers may be down, the new data is still ingested into the database, but the query results may be incomplete. Please check the Active Data Servers to ensure that all data servers are running. The old data will be available once the data servers are back online.

Duplicate Data

Stream and Measure handles duplicate data differently:

  • Stream: If the same data is ingested multiple times, the Stream will store all the data points. The query results will include all the duplicate data points with the same entity and timestamp.
  • Measure: If the same data is ingested multiple times, the Measure will store the latest data point. It uses a internal version field to determine the latest data point.

Measure data version is determined by:

  1. If DataPointValue.version is set, use it as the version.
  2. If WriteRequest.message_id is set, use it as the version.
  3. If neither of the above fields are set, leave the version as 0.

Query Performance Issues

Use query tracing to understand execution plans and identify bottlenecks. To enable query tracing, set the trace field to true in the MeasureQueryRequest and StreamQueryRequest. The query results will include detailed tracing information to help you identify performance issues.

There are some important nodes in the trace result:

  • measure-grpc or stream-grpc: It represents the overall time spent on the gRPC call.
  • data-xxx: It represents the time spent on reading data from the data server. The xxx is the data server’s address. Because all data servers are queried in parallel, the total time(xxxx-grpc) spent on reading data is the maximum time spent on reading data from all data servers.

In each data server, there are some important nodes:

  • indexScan: Using index to fetch data.
    • seriesIndex.Search: It represents the time spent on searching the series index for the specified time range. tag:
      1. query: The query expression to search the series index.
      2. matched: The number of series matched by the query.
      3. field_length: The number of fields is read from the series index. For Stream, it’s always 1. For Measure, it’s the number of indexed tags.
    • scan-blocks: It represents the time spent on scanning the data blocks for the matched series.
      1. series_num: The number of series to scan. It should be identical to the matched in seriesIndex.Search.
      2. part_num: The number of data parts to scan.
      3. part_header: The header of the value list in part_xxxx
      4. part_xxx: The data part to scan.
      5. block_header: The header of the value list in block_xxx
      6. block_xxx: The data block to scan.
  • iterator: It represents the time spent on iterating the rows in the data block for filtering, sorting and aggregation.

Part and Block Information

If the part_header is:

- key: part_header
  value: MinTimestamp, MaxTimestamp, CompressionSize, UncompressedSize,
    TotalCount, BlocksCount

part_xxxx is:

 - key: part_377403_/tmp/measure/measure-default/seg-20240923/shard-0/000000000005c23b
   value: Sep 23 00:00:00, Sep 23 22:50:00, 37 MB, 61 MB, 736,674, 420,920

377403 is the PartID, which means this data part is in the directory part_377403_/tmp/measure/measure-default/seg-20240923/shard-0/000000000005c23b. 000000000005c23b is the hexadecimal representation of the PartID.

The MinTimestamp and MaxTimestamp are Sep 23 00:00:00 and Sep 23 22:50:00, respectively. The TotalCount is 736,674, which means there are 736,674 data points in this data part. The BlocksCount is 420,920, which means there are 420,920 blocks in this data part. The CompressionSize and UncompressedSize are the size of the compressed and uncompressed data part, respectively.

If the block_header is:

- key: block_header
  value: PartID, SeriesID, MinTimestamp, MaxTimestamp, Count, UncompressedSize

block_xxx is:

- key: block_0
  value: 377403, 4570144289778100188, Jun 16 23:08:08, Sep 24 23:08:08,
    1, 16 B

The PartID is 377403, which means this block is in the data part part_377403_/tmp/measure/measure-default/seg-20240923/shard-0/0000000000005c23b. The SeriesID is 4570144289778100188, which means this block is for the series with the ID 4570144289778100188. The MinTimestamp and MaxTimestamp are Jun 16 23:08:08 and Sep 24 23:08:08, respectively. The Count is 1, which means there is only one data point in this block. The UncompressedSize is 16 B, which means the uncompressed size of this block is 16 bytes.