Kubernetes (K8s) monitoring from Rover

SkyWalking uses the SkyWalking Rover system to collect access logs from Kubernetes clusters and hands them over to the OAL system for metrics and entity analysis.

Data flow

  1. SkyWalking Rover monitoring access log data from K8s and send to the OAP.
  2. The SkyWalking OAP Server receive access log from Rover through gRPC, analysis the generate entity, and using OAL to generating metrics.


  1. Setup Rover in the Kubernetes and enable access log service.
  2. Setup eBPF receiver module by the following configuration.
  selector: ${SW_RECEIVER_EBPF:default}

Generated Entities

SkyWalking receive the access logs from Rover, analyzes the kubernetes connection information to parse out the following corresponding entities:

  1. Service
  2. Service Instance
  3. Service Endpoint
  4. Service Relation
  5. Service Instance Relation
  6. Service Endpoint Relation

Generate Metrics

For each of the above-mentioned entities, metrics such as connection, transmission, and protocol can be analyzed.

Connection Metrics

Record the relevant metrics for every service establishing/closing connections with other services.

Name Unit Description
Connect CPM Count Total Connect to other Service counts per minutes.
Connect Duration Nanoseconds Total Connect to other Service use duration.
Connect Success CPM Count Success to connect to other Service counts per minutes.
Accept CPM Count Accept new connection from other Service counts per minutes.
Accept Duration Nanoseconds Total accept new connection from other Service use duration.
Close CPM Count Close one connection counts per minutes.
Close Duration Nanoseconds Total Close connections use duration.

Transfer Metrics

Record the basic information and L2-L4 layer details for each syscall made during network requests by every service to other services.

Read Data from Connection

Name Unit Description
Read CPM Count Read from connection counts per minutes.
Read Duration Nanoseconds Total read data use duration.
Read Package CPM Count Total read TCP Package count per minutes.
Read Package Size Bytes Total read TCP package size per minutes.
Read Layer 4 Duration Nanoseconds Total read data on the Layer 4 use duration.
Read Layer 3 Duration Nanoseconds Total read data on the Layer 3 use duration.
Read Layer 3 Recv Duration Nanoseconds Total read data on the Layer 3 receive use duration.
Read Layer 3 Local Duration Nanoseconds Total read data on the Layer 3 local use duration.
Read Package To Queue Duration Nanoseconds Total duration between TCP package received and send to Queue.
Read Package From Queue Duration Nanoseconds Total duration between send to Queue and receive from Queue.
Read Net Filter CPM Count Total Net Filtered count when read data.
Read Net Filter Duration Nanoseconds Total Net Filtered use duration.

Write Data to Connection

Name Unit Description
Write CPM Count Write to connection counts per minutes.
Write Duration Nanoseconds Total write data to connection use duration.
Write Package CPM Count Total write TCP Package count per minutes.
Write Package Size Bytes Total write TCP Package size per minutes.
Write L4 Duration Nanoseconds Total write data to connection Layer 4 use duration.
Write L3 Duration Nanoseconds Total write data to connection Layer 3 use duration.
Write L3 Local Duration Nanoseconds Total write data to the connection Layer 3 Local use duration.
Write L3 Output Duration Nanoseconds Total write data to the connection Layer 3 Output use duration.
Write L2 Duration Nanoseconds Total write data to connection Layer 2 use duration.
Write L2 Ready Send Duration Nanoseconds Total write data to the connection Layer 2 ready send data queue use duration.
Write L2 Send NetDevice Duration Nanoseconds Total write data to the connection Layer 2 send data to net device use duration.


Based on each transfer data analysis, extract the information of the 7-layer network protocol.

HTTP/1.x or HTTP/2.x

Name Init Description
Call CPM Count HTTP Request calls per minutes.
Duration Milliseconds Total HTTP Response use duration.
Success CPM Count Total HTTP Response success(status < 500) count.
Request Header Size Bytes Total Request Header size.
Request Body Size Bytes Total Request Body size.
Response Header Size Bytes Total Response Header size.
Response Body Size Bytes Total Response Body size.


You can customize your own metrics/dashboard panel. The metrics definition and expression rules are found in /config/oal/ebpf.oal, please refer the Scope Declaration Documentation. The K8s dashboard panel configurations are found in /config/ui-initialized-templates/k8s_service.