Meter receiver

The meter receiver accepts the metrics of meter protocol into the meter system.

Module definition

Module definition is defined in application.yml, typically located at $SKYWALKING_BASE_DIR/config/application.yml by default.

  selector: ${SW_RECEIVER_METER:default}

In Kafka Fetcher, follow these configurations to enable it.

  selector: ${SW_KAFKA_FETCHER:default}
    bootstrapServers: ${SW_KAFKA_FETCHER_SERVERS:localhost:9092}

Report Meter Telemetry Data

Manual Meter API

Custom metrics may be collected by the Manual Meter API. Custom metrics collected cannot be used directly; they should be configured in the meter-analyzer-config configuration files described in the next part.

The receiver adds labels with key = service and key = instance to the collected data samples, and values from service and service instance name defined in SkyWalking Agent, for identification of the metric data.

There are following known API libs to report meter telemetry data:

Agents Bundled Meters

All following agents and components have built-in meters reporting to the OAP through Meter APIs.

  1. Go agent for Go VM metrics
  2. Python agent for PVM metrics
  3. Java agent with Spring micrometer toolkit
  4. Java agent for datasource metrics
  5. Java agent for thread-pool metrics
  6. Rover(eBPF) agent for metrics used continues profiling
  7. Satellite proxy self-observability metrics

Configuration file

The meter receiver is configured via a configuration file. The configuration file defines everything related to receiving from agents, as well as which rule files to load.

The OAP can load the configuration at bootstrap. If the new configuration is not well-formed, the OAP may fail to start up. The files are located at $CLASSPATH/meter-analyzer-config.

New meter-analyzer-config files is NOT enabled by default, you should make meter configuration take effect through section agent-analyzer in application.yml of skywalking backend.

   selector: ${SW_AGENT_ANALYZER:default}
     # ... take care of other analyzers
     meterAnalyzerActiveFiles: ${SW_METER_ANALYZER_ACTIVE_FILES:your-custom-meter-conf-without-ext-name} # The multiple files should be separated by ","

Meter-analyzer-config file is written in YAML format, defined by the scheme described below. Brackets indicate that a parameter is optional.

Meters configuration

# initExp is the expression that initializes the current configuration file
initExp: <string>
# filter the metrics, only those metrics that satisfy this condition will be passed into the `metricsRules` below.
filter: <closure> # example: '{ tags -> tags.job_name == "vm-monitoring" }'
# expPrefix is executed before the metrics executes other functions.
expPrefix: <string>
# expSuffix is appended to all expression in this file.
expSuffix: <string>
# insert metricPrefix into metric name:  <metricPrefix>_<raw_metric_name>
metricPrefix: <string>
# Metrics rule allow you to recompute queries.
  # The name of rule, which combinates with a prefix '<metricPrefix>_' as the index/table name in storage.
  # The name with prefix can also be quoted in UI (Dashboard/Template/Item/Metrics)
  name: <string>
  # MAL expression. Raw name of custom metrics collected can be used here
  exp: <string>

For more information on MAL, please refer to

rate, irate, and increase

Although we support the rate, irate, increase functions in the backend, we still recommend users to consider using client-side APIs to run these functions. The reasons are as follows:

  1. The OAP has to set up caches to calculate the values.
  2. Once the agent reconnects to another OAP instance, the time windows of rate calculation break. This leads to inaccurate results.