Log Data Protocol
Report log data via protocol.
Native Proto Protocol
Report native-proto
format log via gRPC.
syntax = "proto3";
package skywalking.v3;
option java_multiple_files = true;
option java_package = "org.apache.skywalking.apm.network.logging.v3";
option csharp_namespace = "SkyWalking.NetworkProtocol.V3";
option go_package = "skywalking.apache.org/repo/goapi/collect/logging/v3";
import "common/Common.proto";
import "common/Command.proto";
// Report collected logs into the OAP backend
service LogReportService {
// Recommend to report log data in a stream mode.
// The service/instance/endpoint of the log could share the previous value if they are not set.
// Reporting the logs of same service in the batch mode could reduce the network cost.
rpc collect (stream LogData) returns (Commands) {
// Log data is collected through file scratcher of agent.
// Natively, Satellite provides various ways to collect logs.
message LogData {
// [Optional] The timestamp of the log, in millisecond.
// If not set, OAP server would use the received timestamp as log's timestamp, or relies on the OAP server analyzer.
int64 timestamp = 1;
// [Required] **Service**. Represents a set/group of workloads which provide the same behaviours for incoming requests.
// The logic name represents the service. This would show as a separate node in the topology.
// The metrics analyzed from the spans, would be aggregated for this entity as the service level.
// If this is not the first element of the streaming, use the previous not-null name as the service name.
string service = 2;
// [Optional] **Service Instance**. Each individual workload in the Service group is known as an instance. Like `pods` in Kubernetes, it
// doesn't need to be a single OS process, however, if you are using instrument agents, an instance is actually a real OS process.
// The logic name represents the service instance. This would show as a separate node in the instance relationship.
// The metrics analyzed from the spans, would be aggregated for this entity as the service instance level.
string serviceInstance = 3;
// [Optional] **Endpoint**. A path in a service for incoming requests, such as an HTTP URI path or a gRPC service class + method signature.
// The logic name represents the endpoint, which logs belong.
string endpoint = 4;
// [Required] The content of the log.
LogDataBody body = 5;
// [Optional] Logs with trace context
TraceContext traceContext = 6;
// [Optional] The available tags. OAP server could provide search/analysis capabilities based on these.
LogTags tags = 7;
// [Optional] Since 9.0.0
// The layer of the service and servce instance. If absent, the OAP would set `layer`=`ID: 2, NAME: general`
string layer = 8;
// The content of the log data
message LogDataBody {
// A type to match analyzer(s) at the OAP server.
// The data could be analyzed at the client side, but could be partial
string type = 1;
// Content with extendable format.
oneof content {
TextLog text = 2;
JSONLog json = 3;
YAMLLog yaml = 4;
// Literal text log, typically requires regex or split mechanism to filter meaningful info.
message TextLog {
string text = 1;
// JSON formatted log. The json field represents the string that could be formatted as a JSON object.
message JSONLog {
string json = 1;
// YAML formatted log. The yaml field represents the string that could be formatted as a YAML map.
message YAMLLog {
string yaml = 1;
// Logs with trace context, represent agent system has injects context(IDs) into log text.
message TraceContext {
// [Optional] A string id represents the whole trace.
string traceId = 1;
// [Optional] A unique id represents this segment. Other segments could use this id to reference as a child segment.
string traceSegmentId = 2;
// [Optional] The number id of the span. Should be unique in the whole segment.
// Starting at 0.
int32 spanId = 3;
message LogTags {
// String key, String value pair.
repeated KeyStringValuePair data = 1;
Native Kafka Protocol
Report native-json
format log via kafka.
Json log record example:
"text":"log message"
Report json
format logs via HTTP API, the endpoint is http://<oap-address>:12800/v3/logs
Json log record example:
"timestamp": 1618161813371,
"service": "Your_ApplicationName",
"serviceInstance": "3a5b8da5a5ba40c0b192e91b5c80f1a8@",
"traceContext": {
"traceId": "ddd92f52207c468e9cd03ddd107cd530.69.16181331190470001",
"spanId": "0",
"traceSegmentId": "ddd92f52207c468e9cd03ddd107cd530.69.16181331190470000"
"tags": {
"data": [
"key": "level",
"value": "INFO"
"key": "logger",
"value": "com.example.MyLogger"
"body": {
"text": {
"text": "log message"