Zipkin receiver

The Zipkin receiver makes the OAP server work as an alternative Zipkin server implementation for collecting traces. It supports Zipkin v1/v2 formats through the HTTP collector and Kafka collector.

NOTICE, Zipkin trace would not be analyzed like SkyWalking native trace format.

Use the following config to activate it. Set enableHttpCollector to enable HTTP collector and enableKafkaCollector to enable Kafka collector.

  selector: ${SW_RECEIVER_ZIPKIN:default}
    # Defines a set of span tag keys which are searchable.
    # The max length of key=value should be less than 256 or will be dropped.
    searchableTracesTags: ${SW_ZIPKIN_SEARCHABLE_TAG_KEYS:http.method}
    # The sample rate precision is 1/10000, should be between 0 and 10000
    sampleRate: ${SW_ZIPKIN_SAMPLE_RATE:10000}
    ## The below configs are for OAP collect zipkin trace from HTTP
    enableHttpCollector: ${SW_ZIPKIN_HTTP_COLLECTOR_ENABLED:true}
    restPort: ${SW_RECEIVER_ZIPKIN_REST_PORT:9411}
    restAcceptQueueSize: ${SW_RECEIVER_ZIPKIN_REST_QUEUE_SIZE:0}
    ## The below configs are for OAP collect zipkin trace from kafka
    enableKafkaCollector: ${SW_ZIPKIN_KAFKA_COLLECTOR_ENABLED:true}
    kafkaBootstrapServers: ${SW_ZIPKIN_KAFKA_SERVERS:localhost:9092}
    kafkaGroupId: ${SW_ZIPKIN_KAFKA_Group_Id:zipkin}
    kafkaTopic: ${SW_ZIPKIN_KAFKA_TOPIC:zipkin}
    # Kafka consumer config, JSON format as Properties. If it contains the same key with above, would override.
    kafkaConsumerConfig: ${SW_ZIPKIN_KAFKA_CONSUMER_CONFIG:"{\"auto.offset.reset\":\"earliest\",\"\":true}"}
    # The Count of the topic consumers
    kafkaConsumers: ${SW_ZIPKIN_KAFKA_CONSUMERS:1}
    kafkaHandlerThreadPoolSize: ${SW_ZIPKIN_KAFKA_HANDLER_THREAD_POOL_SIZE:-1}
    kafkaHandlerThreadPoolQueueSize: ${SW_ZIPKIN_KAFKA_HANDLER_THREAD_POOL_QUEUE_SIZE:-1}

Zipkin query

The Zipkin receiver makes the OAP server work as an alternative Zipkin server implementation for query traces. It implemented ZipkinQueryApiV2 through the HTTP service, supporting Zipkin-lens UI.

Use the following config to activate it.

  selector: ${SW_QUERY_ZIPKIN:default}
    # For HTTP server
    restPort: ${SW_QUERY_ZIPKIN_REST_PORT:9412}
    restContextPath: ${SW_QUERY_ZIPKIN_REST_CONTEXT_PATH:/zipkin}
    restMaxThreads: ${SW_QUERY_ZIPKIN_REST_MAX_THREADS:200}
    restIdleTimeOut: ${SW_QUERY_ZIPKIN_REST_IDLE_TIMEOUT:30000}
    restAcceptQueueSize: ${SW_QUERY_ZIPKIN_REST_QUEUE_SIZE:0}
    # Default look back for serviceNames, remoteServiceNames and spanNames, 1 day in millis
    lookback: ${SW_QUERY_ZIPKIN_LOOKBACK:86400000}
    # The Cache-Control max-age (seconds) for serviceNames, remoteServiceNames and spanNames
    namesMaxAge: ${SW_QUERY_ZIPKIN_NAMES_MAX_AGE:300}
    ## The below config are OAP support for zipkin-lens UI
    # Default traces query max size
    uiQueryLimit: ${SW_QUERY_ZIPKIN_UI_QUERY_LIMIT:10}
    # Default look back for search traces, 15 minutes in millis
    uiDefaultLookback: ${SW_QUERY_ZIPKIN_UI_DEFAULT_LOOKBACK:900000}

Lens UI

Lens UI is Zipkin native UI. SkyWalking webapp has bundled it in the binary distribution. {webapp IP}:{webapp port}/zipkin is exposed and accessible for the browser. Meanwhile, Iframe UI component could be used to host Zipkin Lens UI on the SkyWalking booster UI dashboard.(link=/zipkin)

Zipkin Lens UI source codes could be found here.