• Dependency the toolkit, such as using maven or gradle

If you’re using Spring sleuth, you could use Spring Sleuth Setup at the OAP server.

  • Counter API represents a single monotonically increasing counter, automatic collect data and report to backend.
import org.apache.skywalking.apm.toolkit.meter.MeterFactory;

Counter counter = MeterFactory.counter(meterName).tag("tagKey", "tagValue").mode(Counter.Mode.INCREMENT).build();
  1. MeterFactory.counter Create a new counter builder with the meter name.
  2. Counter.Builder.tag(String key, String value) Mark a tag key/value pair.
  3. Counter.Builder.mode(Counter.Mode mode) Change the counter mode, RATE mode means reporting rate to the backend.
  4. Counter.Builder.build() Build a new Counter which is collected and reported to the backend.
  5. Counter.increment(double count) Increment count to the Counter, It could be a positive value.
  • Gauge API represents a single numerical value.
import org.apache.skywalking.apm.toolkit.meter.MeterFactory;

ThreadPoolExecutor threadPool = ...;
Gauge gauge = MeterFactory.gauge(meterName, () -> threadPool.getActiveCount()).tag("tagKey", "tagValue").build();
  1. MeterFactory.gauge(String name, Supplier<Double> getter) Create a new gauge builder with the meter name and supplier function, this function need to return a double value.
  2. Gauge.Builder.tag(String key, String value) Mark a tag key/value pair.
  3. Gauge.Builder.build() Build a new Gauge which is collected and reported to the backend.
  • Histogram API represents a summary sample observations with customize buckets.
import org.apache.skywalking.apm.toolkit.meter.MeterFactory;

Histogram histogram = MeterFactory.histogram("test").tag("tagKey", "tagValue").steps(Arrays.asList(1, 5, 10)).minValue(0).build();
  1. MeterFactory.histogram(String name) Create a new histogram builder with the meter name.
  2. Histogram.Builder.tag(String key, String value) Mark a tag key/value pair.
  3. Histogram.Builder.steps(List<Double> steps) Set up the max values of every histogram buckets.
  4. Histogram.Builder.minValue(double value) Set up the minimal value of this histogram, default is 0.
  5. Histogram.Builder.build() Build a new Histogram which is collected and reported to the backend.
  6. Histogram.addValue(double value) Add value into the histogram, automatically analyze what bucket count needs to be increment. rule: count into [step1, step2).