Setting Override

In default, SkyWalking provide agent.config for agent.

Setting override means end user can override the settings in these config file, through using system properties or agent options.

System properties

Use skywalking. + key in config file as system properties key, to override the value.

  • Why need this prefix?

    The agent system properties and env share with target application, this prefix can avoid variable conflict.

  • Example

    Override agent.application_code by this.


Agent options

Add the properties after the agent path in JVM arguments.

  • Example

    Override agent.application_code and logging.level by this.

  • Special characters

    If a separator(, or =) in the option or value, it should be wrapped in quotes.


System environment variables

  • Example

    Override agent.application_code and logging.level by this.

# The service name in UI

# Logging level

If the SW_AGENT_NAME environment variable exists in your operating system and its value is skywalking-agent-demo, then the value of agent.service_name here will be overwritten to skywalking-agent-demo, otherwise, it will be set to Your_ApplicationName.

By the way, Placeholder nesting is also supported, like ${SW_AGENT_NAME:${ANOTHER_AGENT_NAME:Your_ApplicationName}}. In this case, if the SW_AGENT_NAME environment variable not exists, but the ANOTHER_AGENT_NAME environment variable exists and its value is skywalking-agent-demo, then the value of agent.service_name here will be overwritten to skywalking-agent-demo,otherwise, it will be set to Your_ApplicationName.

Override priority

Agent Options > System.Properties(-D) > System environment variables > Config file