
BanyanDB is a dedicated storage implementation developed by the SkyWalking Team and the community. Activate BanyanDB as the storage, and set storage provider to banyandb.

The OAP requires BanyanDB 0.7 server. From this version, BanyanDB provides general compatibility.

    # Targets is the list of BanyanDB servers, separated by commas.
    # Each target is a BanyanDB server in the format of `host:port` 
    # The host is the IP address or domain name of the BanyanDB server, and the port is the port number of the BanyanDB server.
    # The max number of records in a bulk write request.
    # Bigger value can improve the write performance, but also increase the OAP and BanyanDB Server memory usage.
    # The minimum seconds between two bulk flushes.
    # If the data in a bulk is less than maxBulkSize, the data will be flushed after this period.
    # If the data in a bulk is more than maxBulkSize, the data will be flushed immediately.
    # Bigger value can reduce the write pressure on BanyanDB Server, but also increase the latency of the data.
    # The timeout seconds of a bulk flush.
    # The shard number of `measure` groups that store the metrics data.
    # The shard number of `stream` groups that store the trace, log and profile data.
    # The multiplier of the number of shards of the super dataset.
    # Super dataset is a special dataset that stores the trace or log data that is too large to be stored in the normal dataset.
    # If the normal dataset has `n` shards, the super dataset will have `n * superDatasetShardsFactor` shards.
    # For example, supposing `recordShardsNumber` is 3, and `superDatasetShardsFactor` is 2,
    # `segment-default` is a normal dataset that has 3 shards, and `segment-minute` is a super dataset that has 6 shards.
    # The number of threads that write data to BanyanDB concurrently.
    # Bigger value can improve the write performance, but also increase the OAP and BanyanDB Server CPU usage.
    # The max number of profile task query in a request.
    # Data is stored in BanyanDB in segments. A segment is a time range of data.
    # The segment interval is the time range of a segment.
    # The value should be less or equal to data TTL relevant settings.
    # The super dataset segment interval is the time range of a segment in the super dataset.
    # Specific groups settings.
    # For example, {"group1": {"blockIntervalHours": 4, "segmentIntervalDays": 1}}
    # Please refer to${BANYANDB_RELEASE}/docs/crud/
    # for group setting details.

BanyanDB Server supports two installation modes: standalone and cluster. The standalone mode is suitable for small-scale deployments, while the cluster mode is suitable for large-scale deployments.

  • Standalone mode: targets is the IP address/host name and port of the BanyanDB server.
  • Cluster mode: targets is the IP address/host name and port of the liaison nodes, separated by commas. liaison nodes are the entry points of the BanyanDB cluster.

For more details, please refer to the documents of BanyanDB and BanyanDB Java Client subprojects.