Windows Monitoring

SkyWalking leverages Prometheus windows_exporter to collect metrics data from the Windows and leverages OpenTelemetry Collector to transfer the metrics to OpenTelemetry receiver and into the Meter System. Windows entity as a Service in OAP and on the Layer: OS_WINDOWS.

Data flow

For OpenTelemetry receiver:

  1. The Prometheus windows_exporter collects metrics data from the VMs.
  2. The OpenTelemetry Collector fetches metrics from windows_exporter via Prometheus Receiver and pushes metrics to the SkyWalking OAP Server via OpenTelemetry gRPC exporter.
  3. The SkyWalking OAP Server parses the expression with MAL to filter/calculate/aggregate and store the results.


For OpenTelemetry receiver:

  1. Setup Prometheus windows_exporter.
  2. Setup OpenTelemetry Collector . This is an example for OpenTelemetry Collector configuration otel-collector-config.yaml.
  3. Config SkyWalking OpenTelemetry receiver.

Supported Metrics

Monitoring Panel Unit Metric Name Description Data Source
CPU Usage % meter_win_cpu_total_percentage The total percentage usage of the CPU core. If there are 2 cores, the maximum usage is 200%. Prometheus windows_exporter
Memory RAM Usage MB meter_win_memory_used The total RAM usage Prometheus windows_exporter
Virtual-Memory Usage % meter_win_memory_virtual_memory_percentage The percentage usage of virtual memeory memory Prometheus windows_exporter
CPU Average Used % meter_win_cpu_average_used The percentage usage of the CPU core in each mode Prometheus windows_exporter
Memory RAM MB meter_win_memory_total
The RAM statistics, including Total / Available / Used Prometheus windows_exporter
Virtual-Memroy MB meter_win_memory_virtual_memory_free
Virtual memory statistics, including Free / Total Prometheus windows_exporter
Disk R/W KB/s meter_win_disk_read,meter_win_disk_written The disk read and written Prometheus windows_exporter
Network Bandwidth Usage KB/s meter_win_network_receive
The network receive and transmit Prometheus windows_exporter


You can customize your own metrics/expression/dashboard panel. The metrics definition and expression rules are found in /config/otel-rules/windows.yaml. The dashboard panel confirmations are found in /config/ui-initialized-templates/os_windows.