Installing BanyanDB Cluster Mode

Setup Meta Nodes

Meta nodes are a etcd cluster which is required for the metadata module to provide the metadata service and nodes discovery service for the whole cluster.

The etcd cluster can be setup by the etcd installation guide

Role-base Banyand Cluster

There is an example: The etcd cluster is spread across three nodes with the addresses,, and

Data nodes and liaison nodes are running as independent processes by

$ ./banyand-server-static storage --etcd-endpoints=,, <flags>
$ ./banyand-server-static storage --etcd-endpoints=,, <flags>
$ ./banyand-server-static storage --etcd-endpoints=,, <flags>
$ ./banyand-server-static liaison --etcd-endpoints=,, <flags>

Node Discovery

The node discovery is based on the etcd cluster. The etcd cluster is required for the metadata module to provide the metadata service and nodes discovery service for the whole cluster.

The host is registered to the etcd cluster by the banyand-server-static automatically based on node-host-provider :

  • node-host-provider=hostname : Default. The OS’s hostname is registered as the host part in the address.
  • node-host-provider=ip : The OS’s the first non-loopback active IP address(IPv4) is registered as the host part in the address.
  • node-host-provider=flag : node-host is registered as the host part in the address.

Etcd Authentication

etcd supports through tls certificates and RBAC-based authentication for both clients to server communication. This section tends to help users set up authentication for BanyanDB.

Authentication with username/password

The etcd user can be setup by the etcd authentication guide

The username/password is configured in the following command:

  • etcd-username: The username for etcd client authentication.
  • etcd-password: The password for etcd client authentication.

Note: recommended using environment variables to set username/password for higher security.

$ ./banyand-server-static storage --etcd-endpoints=your-endpoints --etcd-username=your-username --etcd-password=your-password <flags>
$ ./banyand-server-static liaison --etcd-endpoints=your-endpoints --etcd-username=your-username --etcd-password=your-password <flags>

Transport security with HTTPS

The etcd trusted certificate file can be setup by the etcd transport security model

  • etcd-tls-ca-file: The path of the trusted certificate file.
$ ./banyand-server-static storage --etcd-endpoints=your-https-endpoints --etcd-tls-ca-file=youf-file-path <flags>
$ ./banyand-server-static liaison --etcd-endpoints=your-https-endpoints --etcd-tls-ca-file=youf-file-path <flags>

Authentication with HTTPS client certificates

The etcd client certificates can be setup by the etcd transport security model

  • etcd-tls-ca-file: The path of the trusted certificate file.
  • etcd-tls-cert-file: Certificate used for SSL/TLS connections to etcd. When this option is set, advertise-client-urls can use the HTTPS schema.
  • etcd-tls-key-file: Key for the certificate. Must be unencrypted.
$ ./banyand-server-static storage --etcd-endpoints=your-https-endpoints --etcd-tls-ca-file=youf-file-path --etcd-tls-cert-file=youf-file-path --etcd-tls-key-file=youf-file-path <flags>
$ ./banyand-server-static liaison --etcd-endpoints=your-https-endpoints --etcd-tls-ca-file=youf-file-path --etcd-tls-cert-file=youf-file-path --etcd-tls-key-file=youf-file-path <flags>

Self-observability dashboard

If self-observability mode is on, there will be a dashboard in banyandb-ui to monitor the nodes status in the cluster.
