Query Streams

Query operation queries the data in a stream.

bydbctl is the command line tool in examples.

The input contains two parts:

  • Request: a YAML-based text which is defined by the API
  • Time Range: YAML and CLI’s flags both support it.

Time Range

The query specification contains time_range field. The request should set absolute times to it. bydbctl also provides start and end flags to support passing absolute and relative times.

“start” and “end” specify a time range during which the query is performed, they can be an absolute time like “2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00”, or relative time (to the current time) like “-30m”, or “30m”. They are both optional and their default values follow the rules below:

  • when “start” and “end” are both absent, “start = now - 30 minutes” and “end = now”, namely past 30 minutes;
  • when “start” is absent and “end” is present, this command calculates “start” (minus 30 units), e.g. “end = 2022-11-09T12:34:00Z”, so “start = end - 30 minutes = 2022-11-09T12:04:00Z”;
  • when “start” is present and “end” is absent, this command calculates “end” (plus 30 units), e.g. “start = 2022-11-09T12:04:00Z”, so “end = start + 30 minutes = 2022-11-09T12:34:00Z”.


To retrieve elements in a stream named sw between 2022-10-15T22:32:48Z and 2022-10-15T23:32:48Z could use the below command. These elements also choose a tag trace_id which lives in a family named searchable.

$ bydbctl stream query -f - <<EOF
  group: "default"
  name: "sw"
  - name: "searchable"
    tags: ["trace_id"]
  begin: 2022-10-15T22:32:48+08:00
  end: 2022-10-15T23:32:48+08:00

The below command could query data in the last 30 minutes using relative time duration :

$ bydbctl stream query --start -30m -f - <<EOF
  group: "default"
  name: "sw"
  - name: "searchable"
    tags: ["trace_id"]

API Reference

StreamService v1