Bootstrap class plugins

All bootstrap plugins are optional, due to unexpected risk. Bootstrap plugins are provided in bootstrap-plugins folder. For using these plugins, you need to put the target plugin jar file into /plugins.

Now, we have the following known bootstrap plugins.

  • Plugin of JDK HttpURLConnection. Agent is compatible with JDK 1.8+
  • Plugin of JDK Callable and Runnable. Agent is compatible with JDK 1.8+
  • Plugin of JDK ThreadPoolExecutor. Agent is compatible with JDK 1.8+
  • Plugin of JDK ForkJoinPool. Agent is compatible with JDK 1.8+
  • Plugin of JDK VirtualThreadExecutor. Agent is compatible with JDK 21+

HttpURLConnection Plugin Notice

The plugin of JDK HttpURLConnection depended on*. When using Java 9+, You should add some JVM options as follows:

Java version JVM option
9-15 Nothing to do. Because --illegal-access default model is permitted.
16 Add --add-exports java.base/ or --illegal-access=permit
17+ Add --add-exports java.base/

For more information

  1. JEP 403: Strongly Encapsulate JDK Internals
  2. A peek into Java 17: Encapsulating the Java runtime internals