Use annotation to mark the method you want to trace.

  • Add @Trace to any method you want to trace. After that, you can see the span in the Stack.
  • Methods annotated with @Tag will try to tag the current active span with the given key (Tag#key()) and (Tag#value()), if there is no active span at all, this annotation takes no effect. @Tag can be repeated, and can be used in companion with @Trace, see examples below. The value of Tag is the same as what are supported in Customize Enhance Trace.
 * The codes below will generate a span,
 * and two types of tags, 
      one type tag: keys are `tag1` and `tag2`, values are the passed-in parameters, respectively, 
      the other type tag: keys are `username`  and `age`, values are the return value in User, respectively
@Tag(key = "tag1", value = "arg[0]")
@Tag(key = "tag2", value = "arg[1]")
@Tag(key = "username", value = "returnedObj.username")
@Tag(key = "age", value = "returnedObj.age")
public User methodYouWantToTrace(String param1, String param2) {
    // ...

Sample codes only