How to add a new root menu or sub-menu to booster UI

If you would like to add a new root menu or sub-menu, you should add data to src/router/data/xx and add translation contents for the title to src/locales/lang/xx in booster UI.

  1. Create a new file called xxx.ts in src/router/data.
  2. Add configurations to the xxx.ts, configurations should be like this.
export default [
    // Add `Infrastructure` menu
    path: "",
    name: "Infrastructure",
    meta: {
      title: "infrastructure",
      icon: "scatter_plot",
      hasGroup: true,
    redirect: "/linux",
    children: [
      // Add a sub menu of the `Infrastructure`
        path: "/linux",
        name: "Linux",
        meta: {
          title: "linux",
          layer: "OS_LINUX",
      // If there are Tabs widgets in your dashboards, add following extra configuration to provide static links to the specific tab.
        path: "/linux/tab/:activeTabIndex",
        name: "LinuxActiveTabIndex",
        meta: {
          title: "linux",
          notShow: true,
          layer: "OS_LINUX",
  1. import configurations in src/router/data/index.ts.
import name from "./xxx";