Build Grafana dashboards for Apache SkyWalking -- Native PromQL Support

Introduce what is PromQL Service in SkyWalking and how to use it to build Grafana dashboards.


As an application performance monitoring tool for distributed systems, Apache SkyWalking provides monitoring, tracing, diagnosing capabilities for distributed system in Cloud Native architecture. Prometheus is an open-source systems monitoring and alerting toolkit with an active ecosystem. Especially Prometheus metrics receive widespread support through exporters and integrations. PromQL as Prometheus Querying Language containing a set of expressions and expose HTTP APIs to read metrics.

SkyWalking supports to ingest Prometheus metrics through OpenTelemetry collector and through the aggregate calculation of these metrics to provide a variety of systems monitoring, such as Linux Monitoring and Kubernetes monitoring. SkyWalking already provides native UI and GraphQL API for users. But as designed to provide wider ecological integration capabilities, since 9.4.0, it provides PromQL Service, the third-party systems or visualization platforms that already support PromQL (such as Grafana), could obtain metrics through it. SkyWalking users will benefit from it when they integrate with different systems.

What is PromQL Service in SkyWalking?

PromQL Service is a query engine on the top of SkyWalking native GraphQL query, with additional query stage calculation capabilities powered by Prometheus expressions. It can accept PromQL HTTP API requests, parse Prometheus expressions, and transform between Prometheus metrics and SkyWalking metrics.

PromQL Service architecture

The PromQL Service follows all PromQL’s protocols and grammar and users can use it as they would with PromQL. As SkyWalking is fundamentally different from Prometheus in terms of metric classification, format, storage, etc. PromQL Service doesn’t have to implement the full PromQL feature. Refer to the documentation for the detail.

SkyWalking Basic Concepts

Here are some basic concepts and differences from Prometheus that users need to understand in order to use the PromQL service: Prometheus metrics specify the naming format and structure, the actual metric names and labels are determined by the client provider, and the details are stored. The user aggregates and calculates the metrics using the expression in PromQL. Unlike Prometheus, SkyWalking’s metric mechanism is built around the following core concepts with a hierarchical structure:

  • Layer: represents an abstract framework in computer science, such as Operating System(OS_LINUX layer), Kubernetes(k8s layer). This layer would be the owner of different services detected from different technologies. All Layers definitions can be found here.
  • Service: Represents a set/group of workloads which provides the same behaviors for incoming requests.
  • Service Instance: An individual workload in the Service group.
  • Endpoint: A path in a service for incoming requests.
  • Process: An operating system process. In some scenarios, a service instance is not a process, such as a pod Kubernetes could contain multiple processes.

The metric name and properties (labels) are configured by the SkyWalking OAP server based on the data source as well as OAL and MAL. SkyWalking provides the ability to down-sampling time series metrics, and generate different time bucket data (minute, hour, day).

The SkyWalking metric stream is as follows:

SkyWalking metrics stream


  • The metadata of the Service/ServiceRelation/Instance/ServiceInstanceRelation/Endpoint/EndpointRelation/Process/ProcessRelation. Include names, layers, properties, relations between them, etc.


  • Name: metric name, configuration from OAL and MAL.
  • Entity: represents the metrics' belonging and used for the query. An Entity will contain the following information depending on the Scope: Scope represents the metrics level and in query stage represents the Scope catalog, Scope catalog provides high-dimension classifications for all scopes as a hierarchy structure.
Scope Entity Info
Service Service(include layer info)
ServiceInstance Service, ServiceInstance
Endpoint Service, Endpoint
ServiceRelation Service, DestService
ServiceInstanceRelation ServiceInstance, DestServiceInstance
EndpointRelation Endpoint, DestEndpoint
Process Service, ServiceInstance, Process
ProcessRelation Process, ServiceInstance, DestProcess
  • Value:
  1. single value: long.
  2. labeled value: text, label1,value1|label2,value2|..., such as L2 aggregation,5000 | L1 aggregation,8000.
  • TimeBucket: the time is accurate to minute, hour, day.

How to use PromQL Service


PromQL Service is enabled by default after v9.4.0, so no additional configuration is required. The default ports, for example, can be configured by using OAP environment variables:

restPort: ${SW_PROMQL_REST_PORT:9090}
restMaxThreads: ${SW_PROMQL_REST_MAX_THREADS:200}
restIdleTimeOut: ${SW_PROMQL_REST_IDLE_TIMEOUT:30000}
restAcceptQueueSize: ${SW_PROMQL_REST_QUEUE_SIZE:0}

Use Prometheus expression

PromQL matches metric through the Prometheus expression. Here is a typical Prometheus metric.

Prometheus metric

To match the metric, the Prometheus expression is as follows:

Prometheus expression

In the PromQL Service, these reserved labels would be parsed as the metric name and entity info fields with other labels for the query. The mappings are as follows.

SkyWalking Concepts Prometheus expression
Metric name Metric name
Layer Label
Service Label
ServiceInstance Label<service_instance>
Endpoint Label

For example, the following expressions are used to match query metrics: service_cpm, service_instance_cpm, endpoint_cpm

service_cpm{service='agent::songs', layer='GENERAL'}
service_instance_cpm{service='agent::songs', service_instance='agent::songs_instance_1', layer='GENERAL'}
endpoint_cpm{service='agent::songs', endpoint='GET:/songs', layer='GENERAL'} 

Typical Query Example

At here, we take the SkyWalking Showcase deployment as the playground to demonstrate how to use PromQL for SkyWalking metrics.

Example Services

The following examples can be used to query the metadata and metrics of services through PromQL Service.

Get metrics names




    "status": "success",
    "data": [

Select a metric and get the labels




  "status": "success",
  "data": [

Get services from a specific layer



    "status": "success",
    "data": [
            "__name__": "service_traffic",
            "service": "agent::songs",
            "scope": "Service",
            "layer": "GENERAL"
            "__name__": "service_traffic",
            "service": "agent::recommendation",
            "scope": "Service",
            "layer": "GENERAL"
            "__name__": "service_traffic",
            "service": "agent::app",
            "scope": "Service",
            "layer": "GENERAL"
            "__name__": "service_traffic",
            "service": "agent::gateway",
            "scope": "Service",
            "layer": "GENERAL"
            "__name__": "service_traffic",
            "service": "agent::frontend",
            "scope": "Service",
            "layer": "GENERAL"

Query specific metric for a service

Query:{service='agent::songs', layer='GENERAL'}


  "status": "success",
  "data": {
    "resultType": "vector",
    "result": [
        "metric": {
          "__name__": "service_cpm",
          "layer": "GENERAL",
          "scope": "Service",
          "service": "agent::songs"
        "value": [

About the range query and different metrics type for query can refer to the document here.

Build Grafana Dashboard

From the above, we know the mechanism and how to query from PromQL Service, now we can build the Grafana Dashboard for the above service example. Note: All the following configurations are based on Grafana version 9.1.0.

SkyWalking Showcase provides dashboards files such as services of General and Service Mesh layers, we can quickly create a dashboard for the General layer service by importing the dashboard JSON file.

After the Grafana application is deployed, follow the steps below:

Configure Data Source

First, we need to create a data source: In the data source config panel, chose Prometheus and set the URL to the OAP server address, the default port is 9090. Here set the data source name SkyWalking in case there are multiple Prometheus data sources.


Import Dashboard File

  1. Create a dashboard folder named SkyWalking.


  2. Import the dashboard file into Grafana, there are two ways to get the file:

    1. From SkyWalking Showcase.
    2. Go to SkyWaking Demo: Preview metrics on Grafana, and export it from the General Service dashboard.


  3. Done! Now we can see the dashboard is working, the services are in the drop-down list and the metrics are displayed on the panels.


This is an easy way to build, but we need to know how it works if we want to customize it.

How the dashboard works

Dashboard Settings

Open the Settings-Variables we can see the following variables:


Let’s look at what each variable does:

  1. $DS_SkyWalking

    This is a data source ty variable that specifies the Prometheus data source which was defined earlier as SkyWalking.


  2. $layer

    This is a constant type because in the ‘General Service’ dashboard, all services belong to the ‘GENERAL’ layer, so they can be used directly in each query Note When you customize other layers, this value must be defined in the Layer mentioned above.


  3. $service

    Query type variable, to get all service names under this layer for the drop-down list.

    Query expression:

    label_values(service_traffic{layer='$layer'}, service)

    The query expression will query HTTP API /api/v1/series for service metadata in $layer and fetch the service name according to the label(service).


  4. $service_instance

    Same as the $service is a query variable that is used to select all instances of the service in the drop-down list.

    Query expression:

    label_values(instance_traffic{layer='$layer', service='$service'}, service_instance)

    The query expression here not only specifies the $layer but also contains the variable $service, which is used to correlate with the services for the drop-down list.

  5. $endpoint

    Same as the $service is a query variable that is used to select all endpoints of the service in the drop-down list.

    Query expression:

    label_values(endpoint_traffic{layer='$layer', service='$service', keyword='$endpoint_keyword', limit='$endpoint_limit'}, endpoint)

    The query expression here specifies the $layer and $service which are used to correlate with the services for the drop-down list. And also accept variables $endpoint_keyword and $endpoint_limit as filtering condition.

  6. $endpoint_keyword

    A text type variable that the user can input to filter the return value of $endpoint.


  7. $endpoint_limit

    Custom type, which the user can select to limit the maximum number of returned endpoints.


Panel Configurations

There are several typical metrics panels on this dashboard, let’s see how it’s configured.

Common Value Metrics

Select Time series chart panel Service Apdex and click edit. panel-common-value.jpg

  1. Query expression
    service_apdex{service='$service', layer='$layer'} / 10000

    The metric scope is Service, add labels service and layer for the match, and the label value used the variables configured above. The calculation Divided by 10000 is used for matching the result units. The document for the query can refer to here.

  2. Set Query options --> Min interval = 1m, because the metrics min time bucket in SkyWalking is 1m.
  3. Set Connect null values --> Always and Show points --> Always because when the query interval > 1 hour or 1 day SkyWalking returns the hour/day step metrics values.
Labeled Value Metrics

Select Time series chart panel Service Response Time Percentile and click edit. panel-labeled-value.jpg

  1. Query expression
    service_percentile{service='$service', layer='$layer', labels='0,1,2,3,4', relabels='P50,P75,P90,P95,P99'}

    The metric scope is Service, add labels service and layer for the match, and the label value used the variables configured above. Add labels='0,1,2,3,4' filter the result label, and addrelabels='P50,P75,P90,P95,P99' rename the result label. The document for the query can refer to here.

  2. Set Query options --> Min interval = 1m, because the metrics min time bucket in SkyWalking is 1m.
  3. Set Connect null values --> Always and Show points --> Always because when the query interval > 1 hour or 1 day SkyWalking returns the hour/day step metrics values.
  4. Set Legend to {{label}} for show up.
Sort Metrics

Select Time series chart panel Service Response Time Percentile and click edit. panel-sort-metric.jpg

  1. Query expression
    service_instance_cpm{parent_service='$service', layer='$layer', top_n='10', order='DES'}

    The expression is used for query the sore metrics under service, so add labels parent_service and layer for the match. Add top_n='10' and order='DES' filter the result. The document for the query can refer to here.

  2. Set Query options --> Min interval = 1m, because the metrics min time bucket in SkyWalking is 1m.
  3. Set the Calculation --> Latest*.
  4. Set Legend to {{service_instance}} for show up.


In this article, we introduced what is the PromQL Service in SkyWalking and its background. Detailed how to use PromQL Service and the basic concepts related to SkyWalking, and show how to use PromQL Service to build Grafana dashboards for SkyWalking.

In the future, there will be more integrations by leveraging this protocol, such as CI/CD, HPA (scaling), etc.