Project Structure
- cmd: The starter of Satellite.
- configs: Satellite configs.
- internal: Core, API, and common utils.
- internal/pkg: Sharing with Core and Plugins, such as api and utils.
- internal/satellite: The core of Satellite.
- plugins: Contains all plugins.
- plugins/{type}: Contains the plugins of this {type}. Satellite has 9 plugin types.
- plugins/{type}/api: Contains the plugin definition and initializer.
- plugins/{type}/{plugin-name}: Contains the specific plugin.
- init.go: Register the plugins to the plugin registry.
├── cmd
├── configs
├── docs
├── go.sum
├── internal
│ ├── pkg
│ └── satellite
├── plugins
│ ├── client
│ ├── fallbacker
│ ├── fetcher
│ ├── filter
│ ├── forwarder
│ ├── init.go
│ ├── parser
│ ├── queue
│ ├── receiver
│ └── server