Legacy Setup

You can always fall back to our traditional way of integration as introduced below, which is by importing SkyWalking into your project and starting the agent.


By default, SkyWalking Python agent uses gRPC protocol to report data to SkyWalking backend, in SkyWalking backend, the port of gRPC protocol is 11800, and the port of HTTP protocol is 12800,

See all default configuration values in the Configuration Vocabulary

You could configure agent_collector_backend_services (or environment variable SW_AGENT_COLLECTOR_BACKEND_SERVICES) and set agent_protocol (or environment variable SW_AGENT_PROTOCOL to one of gprc, http or kafka according to the protocol you would like to use.

Report data via gRPC protocol (Default)

For example, if you want to use gRPC protocol to report data, configure agent_collector_backend_services (or environment variable SW_AGENT_COLLECTOR_BACKEND_SERVICES) to <oap-ip-or-host>:11800, such as

from skywalking import agent, config

config.init(agent_collector_backend_services='', agent_name='your awesome service', agent_instance_name='your-instance-name or <generated uuid>')


Report data via HTTP protocol

However, if you want to use HTTP protocol to report data, configure agent_collector_backend_services (or environment variable SW_AGENT_COLLECTOR_BACKEND_SERVICES) to <oap-ip-or-host>:12800, such as, further set agent_protocol (or environment variable SW_AGENT_PROTOCOL to http):

Remember you should install skywalking-python with extra requires http, pip install "apache-skywalking[http].

from skywalking import agent, config

config.init(agent_collector_backend_services='', agent_name='your awesome service', agent_protocol='http', agent_instance_name='your-instance-name or <generated uuid>')


Report data via Kafka protocol

Please make sure OAP is consuming the same Kafka topic as your agent produces to, kafka_namespace must match OAP side configuration plugin.kafka.namespace

Finally, if you want to use Kafka protocol to report data, configure kafka_bootstrap_servers (or environment variable SW_KAFKA_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS) to kafka-brokers, such as, further set agent_protocol (or environment variable SW_AGENT_PROTOCOL to kafka):

Remember you should install skywalking-python with extra requires kafka, pip install "apache-skywalking[kafka]".

from skywalking import agent, config

config.init(kafka_bootstrap_servers='', agent_name='your awesome service', agent_protocol='kafka', agent_instance_name='your-instance-name or <generated uuid>')


Alternatively, you can also pass the configurations via environment variables (such as SW_AGENT_NAME, SW_AGENT_COLLECTOR_BACKEND_SERVICES, etc.) so that you don’t need to call config.init.

All supported environment variables can be found in the Environment Variables List.