INI Settings
This is the configuration list supported in php.ini
Configuration Item | Description | Default Value |
skywalking_agent.enable | Enable skywalking_agent extension or not. | Off |
skywalking_agent.log_file | Log file path. | /tmp/skywalking-agent.log |
skywalking_agent.log_level | Log level: one of OFF , TRACE , DEBUG , INFO , WARN , ERROR . |
skywalking_agent.runtime_dir | Skywalking agent runtime directory. | /tmp/skywalking-agent |
skywalking_agent.server_addr | Address of skywalking oap server. Only available when reporter_type is grpc . | |
skywalking_agent.service_name | Application service name. | hello-skywalking |
skywalking_agent.skywalking_version | Skywalking version, 8 or 9. | 8 |
skywalking_agent.authentication | Skywalking authentication token, let it empty if the backend isn’t enabled. Only available when reporter_type is grpc . |
skywalking_agent.worker_threads | Skywalking worker threads, 0 will auto set as the cpu core size. | 0 |
skywalking_agent.enable_tls | Wether to enable tls for gPRC, default is false. Only available when reporter_type is grpc . |
Off |
skywalking_agent.ssl_trusted_ca_path | The gRPC SSL trusted ca file. Only available when reporter_type is grpc . |
skywalking_agent.ssl_key_path | The private key file. Enable mTLS when ssl_key_path and ssl_cert_chain_path exist. Only available when reporter_type is grpc . |
skywalking_agent.ssl_cert_chain_path | The certificate file. Enable mTLS when ssl_key_path and ssl_cert_chain_path exist. Only available when reporter_type is grpc . |
skywalking_agent.heartbeat_period | Agent heartbeat report period. Unit, second. | 30 |
skywalking_agent.properties_report_period_factor | The agent sends the instance properties to the backend every heartbeat_period * properties_report_period_factor seconds. | 10 |
skywalking_agent.enable_zend_observer | Whether to use zend observer instead of zend_execute_ex to hook the functions, this feature is only available for PHP8+. |
Off |
skywalking_agent.reporter_type | Reporter type, optional values are grpc , kafka and standalone . |
grpc |
skywalking_agent.kafka_bootstrap_servers | A list of host/port pairs to use for connect to the Kafka cluster. Only available when reporter_type is kafka . |
skywalking_agent.kafka_producer_config | Configure Kafka Producer configuration in JSON format {"key": "value} . Only available when reporter_type is kafka . |
{} |
skywalking_agent.inject_context | Whether to enable automatic injection of skywalking context variables (such as SW_TRACE_ID ). For php-fpm mode, it will be injected into the $_SERVER variable. For swoole mode, it will be injected into the $request->server variable. |
Off |
skywalking_agent.instance_name | Instance name. You can set ${HOSTNAME} , refer to Example #1 |
skywalking_agent.standalone_socket_path | Unix domain socket file path of standalone skywalking php worker. Only available when reporter_type is standalone . |
skywalking_agent.psr_logging_level | The log level reported to SkyWalking, based on PSR-3, one of Off , Debug , Info , Notice, Warning , Error, Critical , Alert, Emergency . |
Off |