Standalone reporter

When the reporter type is grpc or kafka, the skywalking_agent extension forks a child process during the extension initialization phase to act as a worker process for sending data to the SkyWalking OAP server or Kafka.

However, this approach has some limitations, such as:

  1. It cannot be used with the php-fpm daemon mode.
  2. Multiple worker processes can be redundant when there are several php-fpm processes on the instance.

To address these issues, skywalking_agent introduces a new reporter type: standalone.

With the standalone reporter type, the skywalking_agent extension no longer forks a child process. Instead, the user needs to manually start an independent worker process.


  1. Compile the standalone skywalking-php-worker binary:

    cargo build -p skywalking-php-worker --bin skywalking-php-worker --all-features --release
  2. Run skywalking-php-worker:

    Assuming the socket file path is /tmp/skywalking-php-worker.sock and the SkyWalking OAP server address is, the command is:

    ./target/release/skywalking-php-worker -s /tmp/skywalking-php-worker.sock grpc --server-addr

    For additional parameters, refer to ./target/release/skywalking-php-worker --help.

  3. Configure php.ini:

    extension =
    skywalking_agent.reporter_type = standalone
    skywalking_agent.standalone_socket_path = /tmp/skywalking-php-worker.sock