Kafka Fetcher

The Kafka Fetcher pulls messages from the Kafka Broker to learn about what agent is delivered. Check the agent documentation for details. Typically, tracing segments, service/instance properties, JVM metrics, and meter system data are supported. Kafka Fetcher can work with gRPC/HTTP Receivers at the same time for adopting different transport protocols.

Kafka Fetcher is disabled by default. To enable it, configure as follows.

Namespace aims to isolate multi OAP cluster when using the same Kafka cluster. If you set a namespace for Kafka fetcher, the OAP will add a prefix to topic name. You should also set namespace in the property named plugin.kafka.namespace in agent.config.

  selector: ${SW_KAFKA_FETCHER:default}
    bootstrapServers: ${SW_KAFKA_FETCHER_SERVERS:localhost:9092}
    namespace: ${SW_NAMESPACE:""}

skywalking-segments, skywalking-metrics, skywalking-profilings, skywalking-managements, skywalking-meters, skywalking-logs and skywalking-logs-json topics are required by kafka-fetcher. If they do not exist, Kafka Fetcher will create them by default. Also, you can create them by yourself before the OAP server starts.

When using the OAP server automatic creation mechanism, you could modify the number of partitions and replications of the topics using the following configurations:

  selector: ${SW_KAFKA_FETCHER:default}
    bootstrapServers: ${SW_KAFKA_FETCHER_SERVERS:localhost:9092}
    namespace: ${SW_NAMESPACE:""}
    partitions: ${SW_KAFKA_FETCHER_PARTITIONS:3}
    replicationFactor: ${SW_KAFKA_FETCHER_PARTITIONS_FACTOR:2}
    isSharding: ${SW_KAFKA_FETCHER_IS_SHARDING:false}
    consumePartitions: ${SW_KAFKA_FETCHER_CONSUME_PARTITIONS:""}

In the cluster mode, all topics have the same number of partitions. Set "isSharding" to "true" and assign the partitions to consume for the OAP server. Use commas to separate multiple partitions for the OAP server.

The Kafka Fetcher allows you to configure all the Kafka producers listed here in property kafkaConsumerConfig. For example:

  selector: ${SW_KAFKA_FETCHER:default}
    bootstrapServers: ${SW_KAFKA_FETCHER_SERVERS:localhost:9092}
    namespace: ${SW_NAMESPACE:""}
    partitions: ${SW_KAFKA_FETCHER_PARTITIONS:3}
    replicationFactor: ${SW_KAFKA_FETCHER_PARTITIONS_FACTOR:2}
    isSharding: ${SW_KAFKA_FETCHER_IS_SHARDING:true}
    consumePartitions: ${SW_KAFKA_FETCHER_CONSUME_PARTITIONS:1,3,5}
      enable.auto.commit: true

When using Kafka MirrorMaker 2.0 to replicate topics between Kafka clusters, you can set the source Kafka Cluster alias (mm2SourceAlias) and separator (mm2SourceSeparator) according to your Kafka MirrorMaker config.

  selector: ${SW_KAFKA_FETCHER:default}
    bootstrapServers: ${SW_KAFKA_FETCHER_SERVERS:localhost:9092}
    namespace: ${SW_NAMESPACE:""}
    partitions: ${SW_KAFKA_FETCHER_PARTITIONS:3}
    replicationFactor: ${SW_KAFKA_FETCHER_PARTITIONS_FACTOR:2}
    isSharding: ${SW_KAFKA_FETCHER_IS_SHARDING:true}
    consumePartitions: ${SW_KAFKA_FETCHER_CONSUME_PARTITIONS:1,3,5}
    mm2SourceAlias: ${SW_KAFKA_MM2_SOURCE_ALIAS:""}
    mm2SourceSeparator: ${SW_KAFKA_MM2_SOURCE_SEPARATOR:""}
      enable.auto.commit: true

Other Fetcher Plugins

There are other transporter plugins. You could find these plugins from 3rd party repositories.